So many project managers are complex and inefficient. We've believe project management should be easy to manage.
Your projects are critical elements of your business. Keep your team on track with the powerful and flexible Market Toolkit online project management tool. You can manage all of your projects with one tool. Your team can log in to see which tasks and time frames belong to them. You can track the progress and manage over due tasks effectively.
The Toolkit project manager allows you to track the following project elements:
Project tasks are assigned to roles within the system. Users are also assigned to roles. That way, if a user leaves, a new one can be assigned to the role and he/she will have access to all of the appropriate tasks without a major effort to update all tasks. Roles are simple to set up and users are easy to add to roles as needed. When roles are built, the account manager can lock down access to project management functionality.
An effective project management tool will save your organization dozens or hundreds of hours over the life of a project. The very affordable pricing on the Market Toolkit means you only have to save a few hours per month before you are operating with a positive ROI.